Wednesday, 6 May 2015

How to Take Care Nails Hands and Feet Nails

Heppih - Powerful Tricks to Treat Nail Nail Hands or Feet, One of the important things related to beauty and body treatments that should be known by a woman is to take care of the fingernails or toenails. Nails is one part of the body that is closely related to a woman's beauty. Many women who are trying to care for the nails to make it look neat and beautiful. As with other parts of the body, there are some important details you need to consider about nail care. One of the goals is to make the nail care nails look more shiny. Shiny nails will look more beautiful than the dull nails. To make your nails look more shiny, there are some tips and steps that you can follow.

If you want to polish the fingernails or toenails, you can use various types of nail care products available in the market today. Nevertheless, nail care products are usually made of chemicals that may cause side effects such as allergies or health problems. To get optimal results, you can use a variety of nutritious natural ingredients to make your nails look more shiny. These natural ingredients include:

1. Lemon. Lemon is one of the natural ingredients used to polish the nails because it contains vitamin C which is quite high. To use lemon juice in a way to make it look shiny nails you just simply apply a lemon wedge on the surface of the nail and silence for a moment. Lemon juice can also be used to remove scars resulting from the use of nail polish.

2. Garlic. Other natural ingredients that can be used to polish the nails is garlic. In addition to the surface of the nail polish, garlic can also strengthen the nail so that the nail is not easily broken. As for how to use garlic to treat nail is the nail sticking-nacapkan on garlic and rub slice of garlic on the surface of the nail.

3. Skin watermelon. Watermelon skin also can use to nail polish. How, rub the inside of the watermelon rind on the surface of the nail and wait until it dries. After drying, clean the nail surface with a cloth.

4. Carambola starfruit. How to polish nails with starfruit is by rubbing pieces of starfruit on the surface of the nail.

Other tips that you can follow to keep your nails always look shiny surface is to consume lots of water and eating vegetables and fruits that contain high levels of vitamins and minerals is high. In addition to the treatment to make the surface shiny nails look always, you should also provide other treatment on your nails so that your nails become stronger, not easily broken, and looks neat. By knowing the proper way to care for your nails, you'll be able to maintain the beauty of your nails more optimally. 

Hopefully this short article on how to take care of nails beneficial to us all

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